2025 King William Parade Sign Up

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This is the Showband's 9th appearance in the King William Fair Parade as the closing entry for the parade. Step off time and musical selections will be made available closer to the parade date, May 3. Fields with a red asterisk are required fields.

Your name, first and last.
Phone number, including area code xxx-yyy-zzzz
Select the group you're a member of. Support crew, use Pride of San Antonio Showband or Volunteer; if you're from the Pride Bands Alliance, use Pride Bands Alliance. You will then be prompted to enter which band you're with.
What group are you with?
What instrument are you planning on playing? Color guard and support staff use the last two options on this list.
If you have a preference for a part, let us know.
If you already have a shirt (POSA, HPB and OLB), select "I already have a shirt". If you're visiting us from out of town, select what size shirt you need.
Anything else we should know? If you need to borrow an instrument, you should let us know here.